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At Bøvågen, we can offer low voltage shore power from 3 different locations for ships in lay-up.

Order shore power

    Power supplied by HavneKraft

    953 MWh
    953 MWh
    252,5 tonn CO<sub>2</sub> saved
    252,5 tonn CO2 saved

    Havnekraft AS is owned 50/50 by Haugaland Kraft and Karmsund Havn, and our strategic goal is to establish, own and operate shore power facilities and green power solutions for the maritime industry.

    Havnekraft AS is owned 50/50 by Haugaland Kraft and Karmsund Havn, and our strategic goal is to establish, own and operate shore power facilities and green power solutions for the maritime industry.

    A company owned by