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We offer shore power from environmentally friendly Norwegian hydropower plants to ships calling the terminal.


Havnekraft is owned by Karmsund Havn and Haugaland Kraft, and shore power is an important tool in our commitment to sustainability. Both owners have clean energy and increased electrification as priority investment areas in their sustainability strategies.



Why use shore power

The EU’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 and establishing a sustainable transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 requires a 90% reduction of transport emissions in the EU by 2050. This means that all forms of transport, including shipping, must contribute to emission reductions. Shore power will play an important role in achieving this.

Guarantee of origin

Havnekraft is concerned with offering environmentally friendly energy to ships, in line with the company’s purpose. The power sold to the ships is therefore sold with a guarantee of origin.



Havnekrafts must work to make a positive contributions towards the UN’s sustainability goals. In particular, we have selected the following sub-goals, which we are actively working on:


9.4) By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and transform the business world to become more sustainable, with more efficient use of resources and more extensive use of clean and environmentally friendly forms of technology and industrial processes, where all countries make an effort according to their own ability and capacity.


11.6) By 2030, reduce the cities’ and local communities’ negative impact on the environment (measured per inhabitant), with particular emphasis on air quality and waste management in public or private auspices.



13) Act immediately to combat climate change and its consequences.

A company owned by